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Ladies Division

50 / 50 Ticket Draw

The Harvest Tournament

Winning Ticket


The holder of the winning ticket can contact the Golf Shop.

Lingan Golf Club Ladies Day 2019

Cape Breton Ladies Golf Schedule


Ladies Day

  • Please register at the Golf Shop by 4pm on Tuesday’s for Ladies Day.

  • The draw will be  available in the Pro Shop and online by Wednesday. 

  • The Ladies Day draw will start at 10am for the month of June. In July we will switch to 8am.

  • The cost is $5 to play in Ladies Day. Please pay at the Golf Shop before teeing off. This fee will go towards weekly prizes as well as other Ladies Division events throughout the season.

  • Non-members are welcome to play on Ladies Day.  Cost is $35 plus $5.

  • Check the Bulletin Board at the back entrance of the Clubhouse for weekly activities.

  • It is imperative that you keep your handicaps up-to - date. Every round should be recorded on the handicap site. If you require assistance with this program please see Jamie or Skylar.

Golf Etiquette

  • Try to arrive soon enough to give yourself time to warm up properly.

  • Be on the tee box, ready to go, at least 10 minutes before your scheduled tee time (the golf shop is often ahead of schedule).

  • Make sure to place an identifying mark on your ball and inform the group the type and number ball you are playing.

  • Exchange score cards on the first tee. Never keep your own card. If you have my card, for example, you are responsible for making sure I’m counting my strokes correctly. This protects the entire field.

  • Avoid slow play. You should take no more than 30-40 seconds to select your club and hit your shot.

  • Don’t step on your fellow players lines…the imaginary line that connects the ball to the hole.

  • Do not stand where you might distract a fellow golfer and don’t move while they are hitting or preparing to hit.

  • Don’t make any noise when your fellow player is preparing to hit or putt.

  • Finally, at the end of the round, shake hands with your fellow players.


At the end of the day, the great pleasure of the game is the time you get to spend with your friends whether old friends or new friends you just made through the game. Have Fun!


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